Krisnata Ricky SantosoStylistic Analysis in Fireflies by Owl CityFireflies is a song by Owl City released in 2009 and was written by the singer, Adam Young. Young’s lyrics are known to be poetic and quite…Nov 25, 2021Nov 25, 2021
Krisnata Ricky SantosoReading: Kite Runner (Khaled Hosseini)Kite Runner (2003) is a novel written by Khaled Hosseini that talks about Amir who seeks his redemption from his mistake he made when he…Jun 7, 2021Jun 7, 2021
Krisnata Ricky SantosoNegotiationNegotiation is process of making an agreement between two or more parties that has different preferences. People (especially in Indonesia)…May 22, 2020May 22, 2020
Krisnata Ricky SantosoThe Importance of Communication for a Tour LeaderBecoming a tour leader definitely needs an ability to communicate well with a lot of people. This is because tour leader is a job that…May 22, 2020May 22, 2020
Krisnata Ricky SantosoBali: Tourists’ Most Favorite DestinationBali is the most favorite place to go when someone is in Indonesia. There are a lot of tourists from other countries that are coming to…May 18, 2020May 18, 2020
Krisnata Ricky SantosoDeveloping Our Work EthicEvery company, every workplace will see the character and personality if they want to hire someone, and it can be determined by looking at…May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
Krisnata Ricky SantosoReading Novel Increases Students’ Vocabulary and Grammar Skills in Learning EnglishKrisnata Ricky Santoso 211810018May 7, 2020May 7, 2020