Big Two (Short Story)

Krisnata Ricky Santoso
2 min readApr 16, 2020


Long time ago, God made four great kingdoms that rule over the Vedrello-land. These four kingdoms have their own king, and queen, also their distinct feature that given by God; wealth, agriculture, love, and wisdom.

The first kingdom was very rich fot it had many treasures that contain diamonds that was given by their prodecessor. Sadly the queen was greedy and selfish. She didn’t care about her people, even her own husband, the king. She took almost all of the diamonds to buy her dresses, jeweleries, heels, hats and many more. The king and queen never listened to their people, so the people made their rebel –even the rebel was useless.

On the contrary, the second kingdom was very poor albeit his kingdom had a lot of rice fields, woods, and farms. The king, the queen and the people were lazy to control their farm, because the enviroment, and the wind made them sleepy. The way to the farm were also difficult to be passed. They still managed to live somehow.

The kingdom of love was the third kingdom. The king and queen teached their people to love each other abudantly. From the very first time, this kingdom was rich, although it was not as rich as the first kingdom. But this kingdom had a dark secret. The queen cheated with one of the merchant. Not only that, many of the people also cheated, for they wanted to be loved by everyone.

The fourth kingdom was different. They were wise, kind, and understand each other. The king made rules that brought peace to the kingdom. One of them was : “help each other, for no one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another”. The people were very happy, and glad to have a king like that.

After a long time, God was disappointed. He sent His four angels to the Vedrello to destroy the kingdoms, and the people will know them as the “Joker”.

First Joker stole all the diamonds from the first queen. Soon the queen was raging. She asked the people to give her their money. In a brief moment, the people rebelled, and that was the end of the first kingdom.

Second Joker cursed the second kingdom, so that it could never rain. Therefore, the farms were dead, and the poeple didn’t have any job to do. They were starving, and then started to eat each other. That was the end for the second kingdom.

The third Joker revealed the third queen’s secret to the people. Therefore, the king was very sad and angry. He ordered his knights to kill the merchant. The queen soon committed suicide. Feeling guilty, the king poisoned him self.

The fourth Joker did so many temptations to the fourth kingdom, but they didn’t work. People worked together to help each other’s weaknesses. The king and queen were not selfish and arrogant. They shared their money to their people, and they found a charity to assist the people helping each other.

Later, the Joker gave the kingdom a name, for it was the only one kingdom left. “Spade Kingdom”



Krisnata Ricky Santoso
Krisnata Ricky Santoso

Written by Krisnata Ricky Santoso


English Letters Graduate of Universitas Ma Chung at and this is my work”. ig, twitter: rickymaximm

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