Covid-19: It Is Cliché, but Read This Please.

Krisnata Ricky Santoso
3 min readMar 26, 2020


I am a student of English Letters Department at Universitas Ma Chung ( and this is my thought about Covid-19.

We all know about Covid-19 pandemic that is happening right now, and it affects us pretty hard. We have to stay at home for 14 days (can be even more), and limit our contact with the ‘outer world’. We can only go out if we want to buy foods, tissues, soaps and other life necessities, or if it is really urgent. All schools use online-learning, and honestly, I hate it (sorry for those who like online-learning). Because we have to be quarantined, living a normal life is difficult, especially to our jobs.

People having job outside their home can’t do their job at all. Thus, they don’t get money. The after effect of this pandemic is what make it really dangerous. Imagine if a father working as an online-taxi driver. He will get this little number of customers, or even he won’t get any of them, because there is no person allowed to get out unless it is urgent. But he has to go out there for the sake of his family.

What is worse, but very heroic is the medical teams out there. Doctors, Nurses, and all those people working in the hospital. Okay, they can go to work and have some money, but they have a lot of risks! They have the highest chance to get this Covid-19. If it is not for the sake of their patients, I think they will resign, but they still do it, not just for the money but for all of the patients.

For me, as a piano player in my church, I did the same thing. Me and the band, all of the crews and even the preacher went to our church to take several videos (I think we have done 5 videos). Later this video will be published so that people can still go to church via online. I was scared of course, but I had to do it, because this is not just for me, this is for the people and especially for God.

Okay, I am not asking all of you to appreciate me, but at least please appreciate those who want to go out there, working for us. Appreciate and respect those doctors and nurses working 24/7. We can help others by not doing the massive buying and stocking all those foods and supplies. People will also need those. Buy foods sufficiently, and let others take them too. Food and supplies industries will provide them again, but they also need time for making those. The last thing is, help doctors, nurses, your friends, your family, everyone, by stay at home. Don’t go out there unless it is very urgent. That is the best that we can do.



Krisnata Ricky Santoso
Krisnata Ricky Santoso

Written by Krisnata Ricky Santoso


English Letters Graduate of Universitas Ma Chung at and this is my work”. ig, twitter: rickymaximm

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